Finding Donors for CharityML

Investigated factors that affect the likelihood of charity donations being made based on real census data. Developed a naive classifier to compare testing results to. Trained and tested several supervised machine learning models on preprocessed census data to predict the likelihood of donations. Selected the best model based on accuracy, a modified F-scoring metric, and algorithm efficiency.

Uses: sklearn Model Fitting and Prediction Regression vs Classification type problems Neural Networks Decision Trees Regression Naive Bayes Support Vector Machines K-Nearest Neighbor Adaboosting
Predicting Boston Housing Pricing

Built a model to predict the value of a given house in the Boston real estate market using various statistical analysis tools. Identified the best price that a client can sell their house utilizing machine learning.

Uses: bias/underfitting & variance/overfitting Learning Curves Model Complexity Model Tuning Metric Performance Statistical Analysis Cross Validation
Investigate a Dataset

Posed question about a dataset, then used NumPy and Pandas to answer that question based on the data and created a report to share the results.

Uses: Python NumPy Pandas IPython Notebook Matplotlib
Test a Perceptual PhenomenonL

Analyzed the Stroop effect using descriptive statistics to provide an intuition about the data, and inferential statistics to draw a conclusion based on the results.